Sydney 17 July, 2020

The Deputy Secraetary General of the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA), Mr Hermiz Shahen send a letter to His Excellency Nikol Pashinyan, The Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia expressing the AUA and all it's affiliates concern, dismay, and condemnation about the reports of recent aggressive actions taken by Azerbaijan’s military at the Armenian-Azerbaijani international border near the town of Tavush, that destabilize and adversely affect peace in the region.
The AUA office is in constant contact with the Assyrian representative in the Armenian parliament, Mr. Arsen Mikhaylov who is thankfully updating us on the situation.
It is clear that the recent outbreak of violence is part of a deliberate and provocative campaign of incitement by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his ally, the dictator Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Turkish President is renewing the bloody history of the ottamns and violating every article of human rights in his own country, while destabilizing other countries by exploiting their weaknesses and resources in order to promote his nationalist agenda. Mr Shahen said .
The AUA stands with the Armenian people in protecting their territorial integrity. In the meantime, the AUA calls on the influential countries in the region, the International community, and the human rights institutions for an urgent intervention to put an end to this issue by peaceful means. Azerbaijan and Turkey must respect the Armenian/Azeri border, respect the aspirations of the Armenian people of Nagorno Karabakh and should deescalate this conflict immediately.
Mr Shahen extended his Assyrian peopl's prayers for the families of the Armenian soldiers who lost their lives protecting their sacred soil.