Mrdia Release
Sydney-August 26, 2022
it was a great opportunity to welcome the Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs and the Hon Chris Bowen MP, Minister for Climate Change and Energy at St. Narsai Assyrian Christian College. The Minster was greeted by His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia, Metropolitan of Australia, NZ and Lebanon, Patriarchal Vicar General of the Assyrian Church of the East. and the principal of St Narsai College Mr Edwar Dinkha, Rev Shmouel Shmouel , Also in attendance were Hermiz Shahen , President of the Assyrian National Council- Australia(ANC), Mr David David , Vice President of (ANC) and Mrs Suzy David .
The Minister toured part of the college buildings and met students and teachers. During the meeting, which lasted more than an hour, the minister was briefed on the situation of the Assyrian refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.
At the end of the meeting, the Minister for Immigration was thanked for his thoughtfulness visit to learn about the needs of our community in Australia and the situation of refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan, special appreciation to the Hon. Chris Bowen, Minister of Climate Change and Energy, for organizing this meeting.
